My Attempt at NaNoWriMo 2009, Part 6

Time for the next chunk of my NaNo ’09 effort. In this part we get introduced to some new characters (the first of whom was going to play linchpin at a crucial moment in the story I didn’t even get close to reaching), and also get more from Cam & Jeromy. We’re getting close to the end now, but there is some very exciting action to come.

If you missed them, check out parts one, two, three, four and five first.

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False Starts: Supertanker

I know wasn’t the only one who found it somewhat surreal when pirates suddenly became a daily topic. South Park tackled the subject brilliantly, but long before that episode aired I had an idea for a story about a man who, upon discovering the re-emergence of piracy on the high seas, goes quite mad and attempts to become a pirate in Lake Ontario.

As is often the case with these whim’s of mine, I didn’t get very far. But I think the beginning is quite fun, so I thought I’d share it. Here goes:

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My Attempt at NaNoWriMo 2009, Part 5

Further we plunge into my failed attempt at NaNoWriMo last year, and we are approaching the halfway point! This chunk is much longer than the last, but I think it’s quite entertaining—Jeromy & Cam, many of whose dialogues are based on real conversations between myself and my good buddy Tim, are without a doubt the characters I fleshed out best.

Don’t forget about parts one, two, three and four.

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My Attempt at NaNoWriMo 2009, Part 4

This part is short and sweet, introducing some important new characters (only one of whom I got to using, though I had very specific plans for the rest). The more I revisit this effort from last year, the more I think there is something worth salvaging here, and I play to give it a go after NaNoWriMo.

If you missed them, check out parts one, two and three first.

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My Attempt at NaNoWriMo 2009, Part 3

This is part three of my scruffy, unedited attempt at last year’s NaNoWriMo. It’s the longest chunk yet, and I wouldn’t blame you for skipping it, though it does kind of establish half the plot. Boy, this needs work.

If you are going to tackle it, don’t forget to read parts one and two first.

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My Attempt at NaNoWriMo 2009, Part 2

I’ve got some really exciting ideas in mind for November, which I’ll be revealing soon. In the mean time, here’s the second chunk of my attempt at NaNoWriMo last year. If you missed the first bit, check it out first.

In this chunk we meet a few new primary characters, though truth be told I never ended up figuring out what to do with the first one. I was keeping him in my pocket, but I might remove him if I ever start trying to untangle this mess.

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My Attempt at NaNoWriMo 2009, Part 1

In preparation for NaNoWriMo 2010, I’ve been going back over my unfinished attempt at last year’s event. I got close to 18,000 words, and though that’s a far cry from the goal I think I began formulating some pretty good ideas in the semi-satirical, soon-to-be-sci-fi story I was writing.

So as November approaches I’ll be posting my 2009 work in chunks after I tidy them up a little bit, and I’d love to hear your feedback. I fear it will get a bit rambling at points, but I think it starts strong:

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